terça-feira, 26 de outubro de 2010

Wine tasting at Volans

"Dear all
Hope you can still make drinks on Tuesday (leia-se "hoje") evening?
Nevermind the chills outside, let us gather around the Volans fireplace...or heater, rather and enjoy reconnecting after a rather long while. We'll have some wonderful wine chosen and presented by MC Tell as well as some nibbles.
Hope you can make it (but please let me know asap if not, for catering purposes - thx).
And please note a slightly later start: 6pm rather than 5pm, but you're welcome to come early and lounge.
Este foi o e-mail enviado pela Sam Lakha - Outreach Manager e minha gestora no estágio -, à toda equipe da Volans na semana passada. E como recusar um convite desses, para o wine tasting? Mesmo sendo da turma do soft drink, compareci. E me diverti.
Então só posso fazer um agradecimento público à Sam (vide 4ª foto): Thank you again for this invitation. Lovely evening with the Volan's team.

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